Can Cats Eat butter? Kinds, Uses, and Vet Advice for a healthy Cat.

Can cats eat butter?

Yes, cats can eat butter.

A healthy diet is crucial for the overall well-being of cats. It helps maintain a healthy weight and energy levels, supports a strong immune system, and can prevent certain health conditions.

Dairy products are part of human food. These products can be a part of a well-rounded diet for cats, but it is important to note that not all cats can tolerate lactose, the sugar found in milk. If a cat is lactose intolerant, consuming dairy products can lead to an upset stomach.

It is also important to ensure that any dairy product offered to cats are low in fat and made specifically for cats, as many human-grade dairy products can harm cats.

Before giving any human food, always know is this food safe for cats or not?

So, what about Butter? Can Cats Eat Butter?

Can Cats Eat Butter?

Can cats eat butter?

Cats can eat butter if your cat is not lactose intolerant. Butter has health benefits due to its high-fat content. If your cat licks butter in small quantities, then it will not cause any harm. Butter is not toxic for healthy cats, but it is not recommended to feed cat butter because of the high saturated fat. Feeding butter to cats in large amounts and frequently will lead to vomiting , diarrhea, weight gain and an upset stomach.

Cats must have a balanced diet with various fats, including unsaturated fats such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These fats are essential for maintaining a healthy coat and skin and supporting brain and heart health. Butter can be a good source to add these healthy fats to your cat’s diet.

However, cats are obligate carnivores; they require a diet high in animal protein. cats cannot make their own nutritional choices. As, Butter is not a natural part of a cat’s diet, but if you want your kitty to get a taste of Butter, there’s no harm. However, cat owners should take extreme measures before doing so.

Ensure your kitty is not lactose intolerant. Butter may have health benefits due to its saturated fats, but moderation is important, as large amounts can cause cats to gain weight and other digestive distress.

Butter has a high-fat content. In addition, before feeding butter to your cat, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian to ensure their diet is nutritionally balanced.

How To Check Lactose Intolerance in Cats?

All cats are mammals that belong to the Felidae family. They have a unique body structure and a sensitive stomach. Kittens, or young cats, have a similar body structure to adult cats but are smaller in size and have less developed muscles. All cats are not lactose intolerant, but some can be.

Lactase enzymes help to process lactose in cats, a sugar found in milk, in the digestive system. These enzymes are essential for the digestion of lactose. In some individuals, including cats, the body may not produce enough lactase enzymes, leading to lactose intolerance.

In this condition, the body cannot digest lactose properly, resulting in symptoms such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea. Cats with high lactose intolerance may also experience vomiting and weight loss. This condition can occur if the cat has a genetic predisposition or if their small intestine has been damaged.

To manage lactose intolerance in cats, it is important to avoid giving them food and occasional treat that contain lactose. Cats can eat butter with low lactose intolerance in small quantity. Instead, opt for lactose-free options or give them a small number of dairy product to test their tolerance. It is also essential to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be causing the symptoms.

If your cat eats butter, then check if the cat is lactose intolerant. Always wait eight to twelve hours for any reaction. The reaction may include diarrhea, bloating, and dehydration as well.

What Kind of Butter Can Cats Eat?

Butter may have many benefits for humans, but it is full of fats which can easily cause obesity in cats. Although every Butter has a somewhat similar effect on the cat, some are good for them too. Cats can eat butter of different kinds but with precautions.

Here are different kinds of Butter that cats can eat:

Salted Butter

Can cats eat salted butter?

Cats cannot eat Salted Butter. Salted Butter is just like regular Butter, except it has a small amount of salt. Salt in the Butter can cause problems, as Pet Poison Helpline says salt is toxic for cats. It can lead to poisoning and other digestive problems in cats. Other than that, allergy should also be a big concern, as some cats are allergic to salt or Butter. Salted Butter may become life-threatening to the kitty if your cat is allergic or lactose intolerant. It is not recommended to give salted butter to your cat. If you think your kitty can handle Butter, try making a cat-friendly butter to help your kitty get over the craving for Butter.

Unsalted Butter

Can cats eat unsalted Butter?

As the name goes, unsalted Butter is made without adding salt, which is great as it keeps your feline friend safe from salt poisoning. Salt poisoning is very common in cats if given in large amounts, so it’s better to keep it away from your kitty. Unsalted Butter for cats is not as bad as salted Butter; however, don’t feed it if it is allergic to dairy products or shows symptoms of lactose intolerance. Cats can eat unsalted butter but it is not entirely bad for cats, but it should be given in small amounts.

Clarified Butter

Can cats eat clarified butter?

Cats can eat clarified butter due to lack of lactose. Clarified Butter is another type of Butter that is made by melted Butter. While melting, water and milk solids are separated from the butter fat. Although this Butter is still high in fats, it is safe for cats because it lacks lactose and casein. This also means you can feed melted Butter to your kitty even if your cat is lactose intolerant.

If cats drink a little melted Butter, it will help them to cough up hairballs. However, try to feed Butter to cats in small quantities, as large amounts can cause health issues in cats.

Adequate Use of Butter for Cats

Cats should be given Butter in moderation because Butter is not essential to a cat’s diet. Making homemade Butter is better than feeding branded Butter to a cat because, as a parent, you will know what to add and what not to add. Not everything is suitable for a cat’s digestion, so make sure what suits your kitty, then make homemade Butter. Is there any use for feeding cats butter? Yes, you can use Butter as a home remedy for cats.

Here are some ways to use Butter in home remedies for cats:

Cat Hairballs

Cat hairballs

Many cat owners consider Butter a natural way to help lubricate a cat’s throat if they cough up hairballs. This is true, but even then, Melted Butter shouldn’t be fed in large amounts to cats. There are commercial hairball relievers as well, and most have some oil or lubricant in them to make the process of hairballs easier.

However, mixing up a small amount of baby food with Butter might be safer if you’re looking for a more natural hairball remedy. You can also let your cat munch on wheatgrass or special cat grass, as it is the safest way to eliminate hairballs.

Coat Pills with Butter

Coat pills with butter

Who said giving pills to a cat is easy? Here’s what you can do. Add a little butter to the medication before giving it to your kitty. The Butter will make it easier for the cat to swallow the pill and hide some of the bitter taste of that medication. As mentioned above, small amounts of Butter are not harmful at all, so make sure to add little Butter to coat the pills.

Buttermilk for Cats

Can cats eat buttermilk?

Buttermilk is a low-fat milk that is a byproduct of butter-making. It contains similar nutritional values to regular milk but less fat and calories. Is buttermilk safe for cats? The simple answer is yes. Buttermilk is low in lactose which makes it safe for cats. Buttermilk consists of 90% water, 5% milk sugar, and 3% protein.

However, if your cat is lactose intolerant, then buttermilk is not the right option for your kitty. Due to the high sugar content in buttermilk, it is unsafe to make it an everyday drink for cats. You can feed your cat buttermilk in small amounts once in a while, as it contains nutrients like calcium, potassium, and phosphorus.

The main nutritional benefits of buttermilk for cats include the following:

· Calcium: Buttermilk is a good source of calcium, which is essential for strong bones and teeth.

· Protein: Buttermilk is also a good source of protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair.

· Vitamin D: Buttermilk is fortified with vitamin D, essential for calcium absorption.

· Vitamin B12: Buttermilk is also a good source of vitamin B12, which is essential for forming red blood cells.

· Potassium: Buttermilk contains potassium, essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure and heart function.

The best option is to make lactose-free milk at home. One more thing, cats can be allergic to buttermilk too, so make sure how your kitty reacts to the milk. If the milk doesn’t suit your cat, the cat will show signs of digestive issues, diarrhea, lack of appetite, and itchy skin.

Overall, buttermilk can be a healthy addition to a cat’s diet in small amounts, but it should not be the main source of nutrition cats need. Consult with a veterinarian before making any changes to your cat’s diet.

Butter Vs. Margarine

Can cats eat margarine?

One of the biggest differences between Butter and margarine is their nutritional value. Butter is high in saturated fat, which can raise cholesterol levels if consumed in large amounts. On the other hand, margarine is lower in saturated fat but often contains trans fats, which have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

So, Butter is a natural product made from cream and contains milk proteins, vitamins, and minerals. In contrast, margarine is manufactured from a combination of oils and fats. They are hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated to make them solid at room temperature. Butter is high in saturated fat, whereas margarine is lower in saturated fat but often contains trans fats.

The above analysis shows cats cannot eat margarine. Butter is much healthier than margarine. Moreover, cats do not require high-fat content, and too much of these fats can harm their health. Consuming a diet high in unsaturated fats can lead to weight gain and other health issues, such as diabetes and heart disease.

As for margarine, it is not recommended to feed cats with it as it can cause them health problems as it contains artificial ingredients that are not suitable for cats. So, it is not recommended to feed cats with margarine as it can cause them health problems.

What Do Veterinarians Say?

What do veterinarians say?

Veterinarians suggest that feeding small amounts of Butter is not dangerous. They even suggest giving butter-covered pills to cats to avoid any choking hazards.

However, giving Butter as a treat or daily snack can lead to harmful diseases in cats. Be careful about what and how much you feed your furry friend because most cats are lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy products.

Butter Alternatives for Cats

Butter alternatives for cats

Some cats enjoy the taste and texture of Butter, a dairy product made from cream. If your cat has a sensitivity to dairy or if you are looking for a butter alternative for your feline friend, there are several options to consider.

Here are some great alternatives to Butter for cats:

Lactose-Free and Dairy-Free Butter: Lactose-free and dairy-free Butter is the best alternative to kill your cat’s craving.

Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is a healthy alternative to Butter that is rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, and medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). It can be mixed into cat food to add flavor and nutrition cats need. Coconut oil can be use to make vegan butter.

Fish Oil: Fish oil is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, essential for maintaining a healthy coat and skin. It can be added to cat food or given as a supplement to provide the benefits of omega-3s.

Olive Oil: Olive oil is a healthy alternative to Butter that is rich in monounsaturated fats, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds. It can be a healthy source of fat for your cat.

Meat Or Meat Broth: Cats are carnivores and enjoy the taste of meat. Add it to dry cat food to provide a source of protein and flavor.

It is important to note that these alternatives should only be used in small amounts and not make up a significant portion of your cat’s diet.

Olive oil, Coconut oil, and any combination of plant based oils are used to make vegan butter. Vegan butter is low in saturated fats and cholesterol free as well. But always consult a veterinarian before making any changes to your cat’s diet.


Cats can eat butter, depending on the cat’s health, in small quantities.

Butter is not toxic to cats, so if you catch your feline friend snacking on your Butter, be reassured that toxicity is not a problem.

That being said, eating Butter too much can cause gastrointestinal upset in a cat. It depends on how much Butter your cat ate. Also, if your cat is lactose intolerant, you may see upset stomach, nausea, or diarrhea.

To conclude, as we know, Butter is meant to be consumed by people, not cats, but it is also not very good for them. So, adding Butter to your cat’s daily diet is not recommended. If you are still unsure whether you should feed Butter to your kitty, contact a vet or professional animal nutritionist for recommendations.

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